The Official Rules of Major League Baseball will be followed with the exceptions listed below.

The safety of our players, managers, umpires, fans, and staff look I’m is our highest priority and EVERYBODY’S PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! These rules and regulations are hereby meant to protect all those associated with the Savannah Adult Baseball League (SABL), while ensuring equality and fair play during all league events. All participants and our fans should be aware of the potential risk of injury associated with the game of baseball at all times and take the necessary steps to safeguard themselves from injury. Any game, practice, or special event may be suspended or cancelled at the discretion of the SABL Board of Directors if matters of personal safety are at risk.
ALL MANAGERS and PLAYERS are required to sign the Savannah Adult Baseball League Waiver and Release of Liability form prior to participating in any league activities. Any player who fails to complete this form and/or adhere to the policies and procedures of the Savannah Adult Baseball League shall not be permitted to participate in league events and may face additional disciplinary action. Any person found to be participating without these documents on file is considered ineligible and participates at their own risk. Any manager, player, or league member who permits someone to participate assumes personal risk for any claim made against the Savannah Adult Baseball League.
1.a.1 Team/Player Uniforms: All players must wear a uniform while participating in league games that is similar in design to that of his teammates. Players not in uniform may not be permitted to play.
1.a.2 Uniforms: At a minimum, a player’s uniform must consist of a hat, numbered jersey, baseball pants, and appropriate footwear. Players are not permitted to wear open toed shoes or sandals, shorts, or sleeveless shirts under any circumstance.
1.a.3 FILL-IN PLAYERS: A player serving as a fill-in player shall abide by the uniform policy above, with the exception of the requirement to wear a matching jersey. Players can wear the jersey of their choosing, so long as it has a number on the back.
1.a.4 Grace Period: Teams shall make every attempt to have matching uniforms (at a minimum, matching numbered jerseys) prior to the start of the season. A 3 week grace period will be authorized to allow teams to complete necessary uniform purchases. All new players joining a team during the season are authorized the same grace period.
1.b.1 Helmets: All batters, on-deck batters, and runners must wear helmets. Full double-ear flap helmets are strongly encouraged, but not required.
1.b.2 Baseballs: The only baseball authorized for use during league games are the Wilson A1010. Official game balls will be provided by the SABL and issued to the umpires prior to the start of each game.
- Game Balls: If needed, teams will provide additional game balls in good condition beginning with the home team providing two (2), then the visiting team providing two (2) and alternating back and forth until the game is complete.
- Starting Pitchers: A team’s designated starting pitcher may take a game ball to the mound from the bullpen, but must allow umpire to verify model and condition of ball prior to putting it in play.
- Unauthorized Baseballs: Any team found using unauthorized baseballs may be subject to disciplinary action if it is determined that the ball was used intentionally to gain advantage over their opponent and/or altered the outcome of the game.
1.b.3 Bats: Only wood baseball bats are permitted for game use and must be no more than minus 3 weight to-length ratio. Authorized bats include those made from ash, maple, oak, birch, bamboo, and composite wood.
- Illegal Bats: If a player is found to be using or have used an illegal bat, they will be issued a warning by the home plate umpire and instructed to remove the bat from the field of play. Appropriate action will then be taken by the umpire crew to correctly reset playing conditions. Should a second offense be then made, the involved player may be ejected from the game in accordance with the league's EJECTION POLICY.
1.b.4 Metal Cleats: Players are permitted to wear metal cleats unless otherwise noted by the league and/or facility hosting a league event. No metal cleats should be worn inside batting cages at any facility.
1.b.5 Personal Protective Equipment: It is the individual responsibility of all players, managers, and league members to wear the appropriate and/or necessary protective equipment when participating in league events in order to safeguard themselves from injury.
2.a.1 Start Times: it is the collective responsibility of the umpires, managers, and players to ensure that games start on-time as scheduled.
- Official Start Time for Timed Games is recorded as the time at which the plate meeting is concluded and will be announced and recorded by the plate umpire who is the official time keeper.
2.a.2 Innings/Time Limit: All games will be scheduled for nine (9) innings or 2.5 hours.
- Time will start at the conclusion of the plate meeting.
- Any inning started prior to time limit being reached will be completed, unless the home team is batting and ahead when time expires.
2.a.3 Extra Innings: If a game is tied after nine (9) innings and the time limit has not been exceeded, the game will move to extra innings, with the last batter from the previous inning placed at second base.
2.a.4 Tournaments: Duration of tournament games will be established by the Tournament Director and listed as part of the official Tournament Rules.
2.a.5 Changes to Game Length: the SABL reserves the right to modify the length of a game as needed to facilitate the scheduling of league play or to ensure the safety of players in cases of inclement weather.
2.a.6 Official Games: At the completion of five innings, a game is considered an official game whether suspended due to weather, darkness, or time limit.
2.a.7 Unofficial Games: Any game that is stopped or suspended before five innings have been completed will be considered a suspended game and will be resumed from the exact point at which it was suspended.
2.a.8 Incomplete Games: If a suspended game cannot be made up for any reason, the final score will be recorded as the score at the end of the last complete inning.
2.a.8 Weather Delays: In the case of inclement weather, a game may be delayed by up to thirty (30) minutes to allow for field conditions to improve before resuming play. If play cannot safely resume within this time period, then it will be suspended or post-postponed as deemed appropriate by the home plate umpire and/or league officials.
2.d.1 The SABL will enforce the following run rules:
- 10 runs after six innings
2.e.1: Cancellation Policy: All games will be played as scheduled unless affected by inclement weather, poor field conditions, or facility closure.
2.e.2 Weather Call: In matters of inclement weather and/or poor field conditions, a Weather Call will be made a minimum of two (2) hours prior to the designated start time. If no weather call is made and/or cancelation announced, teams will report to the field as scheduled whereas the umpires will determine whether or not field conditions are safe for play.
2.e.3 Rescheduled Games: Every attempt will be made to reschedule all cancelled games prior to the scheduled start of the playoffs. If a game cannot be rescheduled, those teams affected will be assessed based off of winning percentage for playoff seeding.
2.e.4 Forfeits: If a team is unable to play and/or field a full team (minimum of eight players) for a scheduled game for any reason, they will be subject to the Savannah Adult Baseball League’s FORFEIT POLICY.
3.a.1 Team Rosters: All teams must carry a minimum of fourteen (14) registered players and may not exceed more than twenty (20) players on their roster.
3.a.2 Creating Rosters: Players will automatically be added to their respective team’s roster upon completion of the registration process to include signing the league’s liability waiver and paying their registration fees in full.
3.a.3. Adding/Removing Players: All requests to add/remove players from a team’s roster must be approved by the Division Commissioner or the Board of Directors.
3.a.4 Updating Rosters: It is the manager’s responsibility to ensure that their team roster is up to date, accurate, and available for view on the team home page. Failure to do so may result in a loss of eligibility or forfeiture of games played.
3.a.5 Postseason Rosters: Team rosters will be locked and considered final no later than thirty (30) days prior to first scheduled playoff game. No players may be added (or removed) from a team’s playoff roster following the postseason deadline and only those players appearing on the official playoff roster, who meet the criteria set forth in the league’s PLAYOFF ELIGIBILITY POLICY, will be permitted to participate in the postseason.
3.a.5 Unregistered Players: A team is not authorized to add unregistered players to their roster under any circumstance. After the second (2nd) week of the season, only registered players appearing on a team’s roster will be allowed to participate in league events.
3.a.6 Roster Verification: A manager has the right to question the eligibility of a player and/or request verification of name and age prior to or during any league game. It is the responsibility of every player to be able to provide a valid form of government issued Identification (driver’s license, passport, military ID) should they be requested to do so.
3.a.7 Roster Disputes: The Division Commissioner is the approving authority for all team rosters and has the authority to rule on all matters of player eligibility. Disputes of player eligibility may also be brought before the Board of Directors for final ruling.
3.a.8 Non-Rostered Players: A team is permitted to use non-rostered players in accordance with the FILL-IN PLAYER POLICY for regular season games only. Non-rostered players appearing in a postseason game will be immediately removed from the game and the team may be subject to additional penalty in accordance with the league’s FORFEIT POLICY .
3.a.9 Roster Commitments: Once added to a team's roster, a player shall be bound to that team for the remainder of the year and will not be permitted to switch teams during the season without approval from the team's manager, Division Commissioner, and the Board of Directors.
3.b.1 Player Age: Player eligibility and participation shall be limited by age in accordance with the following guidelines:
- 18+ Division: Eligible players must be a minimum of eighteen (18) years old by the end of current calendar year.
- 30+ Division: Eligible players must be a minimum of twenty five (25) years old by the end of current calendar year.
- 40+ Division: Eligible players must be a minimum of thirty five (35) years old by the end of current calendar year.
3.b.2 Ex-Professional Players: Players with previous professional playing experience are permitted to participate in the Savannah Adult Baseball League and may do so without limitation or restriction.
3.b.3 College/High School Players: Players currently enrolled and/or rostered to player collegiate or high school baseball who meet the age eligibility requirements are permitted to participate in the Savannah Adult Baseball League, but may not pitch when in-season.
3.b.4 Underage/Ineligible Players: Teams found to be using underage and/or ineligible players, with the exception of those players pre-designated as FILL-IN PLAYERS, are subject to adverse action in accordance with the league’s FORFEIT POLICY, the extent of which includes all games in which said underage/ineligible players were used.
3.c.1 Pitcher Eligibility: Only registered players appearing on a team’s roster are eligible to pitch. Non-rostered players and/or those players serving as FILL-IN PLAYERS are not permitted to pitch under any circumstances.
3.c.2 Pitcher Reentry: Any pitcher may reenter a game after being removed following the completion of an inning or after three (3) defensive outs have been recorded since he was removed.
- Any pitcher may reenter a game one time
- A pitcher is not permitted to reenter a game if they were removed after exceeding their innings limit or if they have violated the league’s HIT BATTER RULE as noted below.
3.c.3 Innings Restriction/Pitch Count: The SABL does not enforce an innings restriction and/or pitch count during the Spring/Summer League. Pitchers under the age of thirty-five (35) are only permitted to pitch a maximum of three (3) innings during Fall League games.
- NOTE: The SABL encourages players and managers to exercise caution with regard to elevated pitch counts and innings pitched on limited or short rest in an attempt to avoid injury and promote the health and welfare of our players.
3.c.4 Hit Batter Rule: If a pitcher hits three (3) batters in a single game, they must be removed immediately and will not be permitted to pitch for the remainder of that game. They are, however, allowed to remain in the game as a hitter and are permitted play any other defensive position.
3.d.1 Membership to the Savannah Adult Baseball League does not guarantee playing time. Allocation of said playing time is done so at the discretion of a team’s manager and is not subject to league oversight.
3.d.2 Although the Savannah Adult Baseball League advocates for and encourages maximum participation for all players, they are not responsible for allocating nor enforcing playing time under any circumstance.
3.e.1 Registered/Rostered Players: Only those players who have registered for the league prior to the Postseason Deadline and appear on a team’s postseason roster are permitted to play in the postseason. FILL-IN PLAYERS may not be used during the postseason under any circumstance.
3.e.2 Minimum Games: To be eligible for postseason play, a player must appear in a minimum of five (5) games during the regular season with the exception of our military and first responders (see below). Fall League players must appear in three (3) games in order to be deemed playoff eligible.
- NOTE: To be credited for a game played, a player must have a plate appearance or pitch one full inning.
3.e.3 Military/First Responders: Players who serve in the Armed Forces or as First Responders may be granted special permission by the Board of Directors to participate in the playoffs without having appeared in a minimum number of games if their service obligation hindered their ability to do so.
4.a.1 New Players: All new players seeking a team assignment for the first time will be placed in the Player Pool to give all teams equal chance of adding them to their respective roster. This does not apply to players specifically recruited to join the league by a given team.
4.a.2 Player Pool: All players listed in the Player Pool will be made available to all teams upon request in accordance with policies and procedures listed below.
4.a.3 New Player Draft: Players that are new to the league or without team assignment prior to the start of the season will be entered into to the draft to be held at a date determined by the league. Draft order will be determined based off of the final standings from the previous season with all new teams being assessed at a .500 record.
4.a.3 Requests for New Players: Following the draft, teams may add players from the Player Pool by submitting said request to the league. Requests should include the team name and a listing of all requested players in order of interest.
4.a.4 Assigning New Players: The league will assign New Players in accordance with the following criteria:
- Current Standings/Current Roster Size/Player Preference
4.a.5 Multi-Division Players: New Players wishing to participate in multiple age divisions will be granted preference for assignment to a team that competes in both divisions if there is an expressed interest and/or need for players for said team.
4.a.6 Competitive Play Clause: The SABL reserves the right to assign players as deemed necessary in order to promote the welfare and competitive balance of the league. As in all other league matters, however, we will make every attempt to accommodate the interests of our players and managers, while ensuring fairness to all.
4.a.7 Returning Players: Returning players may elect to be re-entered into the Player Pool if they wish to change teams during the season or may elect to switch teams at the end of the calendar year if they so choose without being subject to the Player Pool Policy above.
4.b.1 Fill-in Players: A team that is unable to field enough rostered players for a scheduled game is authorized to pick up Fill-in Players from another team's roster in order to avoid a forfeit (see FORFEIT POLICY below).
4.b.2 Fill-in Player Eligibility: Only those players who are currently registered to play in the SABL may be used as Fill-in Players. Players serving as Fill-in Players in the 30+ Division must be at least twenty-five (25) years old and in the 40+ Division must be at least thirty-five (35) in order to participate.
4.b.3 Fill-in Pitchers: Fill-in Players are not permitted to pitch under any circumstance. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in a forfeit.
4.b.4 Notification: Managers utilizing Fill-in Players should notify the Division Commission the day prior to the scheduled start time and must inform the opposing manager of any Fill-in Players listed in the lineup at the plate meeting prior to the start of the game.
4.b.5 Maximum Number of Fill-in Players: A team is authorized to utilize as many Fill-in Players as needed to field a team of no more than 10 players, to include their own rostered players.
4.b.6 Fill-in Player Penalty: There is no penalty for using Fill-in Players, so long as a team adheres to the aforementioned rules and is able to field a full team.
5.a.1 Lineup Cards: Managers must provide an official lineup card to the opposing team prior to the start of the game.
5.a.2 Player Information: The lineup card must contain, at a minimum, the last name and uniform number for all available players to include those in the starting lineup and as well as any substitutes that may be used throughout the game.
5.a.3 COURTESY RUNNERS: Managers must report the use of any courtesy runners prior to the start of the game and indicate which players are to be designated as “non-runners” on their official lineup card.
5.a.4 Fill-in Players: Managers must report the use of any fill-in players prior to the start of the game and indicate who they are on their official lineup card.
5.a.5 Adding Players to the Lineup Card: Players who are not listed on the lineup card at the start of the game can only be added to the batting order with approval from the opposing manager.
- Note: Players not listed on the lineup card are still permitted to play defense under the provisions of the free defensive substitution policy and do not require opposing manager approval.
5.b.1 Batting Order: The batting order must contain a minimum of nine (9) players, unless a team is playing with only eight (8) players as noted below. There is no limit to the maximum number of players that may appear in the batting order and players are not required to play defense in order to be included in the batting order.
5.b.2 Minimum Number of Players: A minimum of eight (8) players is required to begin an official game and a minimum of seven (7) player is required to continue play once a game has started.
5.b.3 Grace Period: If a team does not have eight (8) players present at the designated start time, they will be granted a fifteen (15) minute grace period to allow for an eighth (8th) player to arrive. If the minimum number of players is not reached by the end of the grace period, a forfeit must be taken in accordance with the league’s FORFEIT POLICY .
5.b.4 Playing with less than Nine (9) Players: Any team playing will less than nine (9) players must take an out each time through the line-up for any vacant spot(s) in the batting order.
Note: The manager can designate any spot in the batting order as the “vacant spot” for which the automatic out will be recorded.
5.b.6 Offensive Substitutions: The SABL uses the "Shared Positions" rule, which states that two or more players may occupy the same position in the offensive lineup and as such are permitted to freely substitute for one another at any time.
- 5.b.6(1) A Shared Position in the offensive lineup may be initiated at any time throughout the game.
- 5.b.6(2) A Shared Position cannot be undone. Once players are assigned to a shared position, they are locked in that spot in the batting order and cannot be used elsewhere in the lineup under any circumstance.
- 5.b.6(3) Manager's must notify the umpire and opposing manager when entering a Shared Position into the game for the first time if not previously announced at the plate meeting. If not, the same penalties apply as batting out of order.
5.a.7 Adding to the Bottom: A manager may add additional batters to the bottom of the batting order at any point in the game with no limit as to the maximum number of batters that may appear in a given game. Players being added to the bottom of the order must be announced to the plate umpire and opposing manager prior to their at bat.
5.a.8 Collapsing the Batting Order for an Injured Player: If a player is injured during a game and no substitute is available to take their place in the order, a team may choose to collapse their batting order by removing the injured player from the game and may do so without penalty provided they still have at least nine (9) batters in the lineup.
- 5.a.8(1) Once a player's spot in the line-up has been skipped/removed, that player will not be permitted to re-enter the game (offensively or defensively) under any circumstances.
- 5.a.8(2) If a player vacates a spot in the lineup for any reason other than injury and no substitute is available then they will not be permitted to collapse their line-up and must take an out every time through the batting order for the remainder of the game regardless of how many batters are present.
5.c.1 Defensive Positions: A team is only permitted to utilize nine (9) players on defense at any one time.
5.c.2 Defensive Lineup: A team’s defensive lineup is completely independent from its offensive lineup meaning that players are permitted to play defense even if they are not in the batting order.
5.c.3 Defensive Substitutions: Teams are free to substitute on defense as often as they want throughout the game without announcing changes and/or said changes affecting their offensive lineup.
6.a.1 Courtesy Runners: The Courtesy Runner shall be the last player to have made an out, either as a batter or runner. The exception to this rule is when said player is a non-runner, pitcher, or catcher. If a Courtesy Runner is needed at the start of the game, before an out has been made by a player capable of filling the role, then the last batter listed in the batting order will serve as the Courtesy Runner.
6.a.2 Non-Runners: A manager may designate a player as a “non-runner” on their official lineup card for which a curtesy runner will be provided should they reach base.
- 18+ Division: teams may designate 1 player per game as non-runners
- 30+ Division: teams may designate 2 players per game as non-runners
- 40+ Division: teams may designate 3 players per game as non-runners
6.a.2 Pitchers & Catchers: Should a pitcher or catcher reach base, they have the option to request a curtesy runner with less than two outs, but must be run for with two outs in order to speed up the pace of play.
6.a.3 Injured Players: If a player sustains an injury during a game that permits them from running, a team may request a courtesy runner be used.
7.a.1 Alcohol: The consumption of alcohol by players during a game is strictly prohibited and alcoholic beverages not allowed in dugouts or on school property. Players and managers found to be in violation of these rules are subject to disciplinary action.
7.a.2 Tobacco: The use of tobacco products on school property is strictly prohibited. Players and managers found to be in violation of these rules are subject to disciplinary action.
7.a.3 Collisions: Base runners shall make EVERY attempt to avoid collision with a defensive player. Any player, who makes an intentional and/or malicious attempt to contact an opposing player is subject to disciplinary action.
7.a.4 Unsportsmanlike Conduct: All acts of unsportsmanlike conduct are subject to disciplinary action.
7.a.5 Fighting: Any player who initiates, provokes, excites, or participates in an altercation with another player, manager, umpire, or spectator, physical or otherwise is subject to disciplinary action.
7.a.6 Soft Toss: The hitting of baseballs into any fence is strictly prohibited. Batting practice, soft toss, and tee work must be conducted in designated practice areas only.
7.a.7 Vehicles: Vehicles are not allowed to be parked or driven on any playing field and must remain in the designated parking area at all times.
7.b.1 Field Maintenance: The home team is responsible for assisting with field maintenance prior to and after each game as directed by the Division Commissioner and/or facility manager.
7.b.2 Field Clean-up: All teams are responsible for trash pickup and removal from the field and dugout at the end of each game. Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in disciplinary action.
8.a.1 Umpires Crews: All league games require at least one league approved umpire to be considered an official game. However, the league standard is to utilize a two man umpire crew for all games, with the exception of playoff games where additional umpires may be utilized at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
8.a.2 Certification/Training: All SABL umpires are required to have completed all necessary training to become a baseball umpire and maintain a current certification as a baseball umpire. All umpires must be able to provide proof of training and/or certification to league officials upon request.
8.a.3 League Rules: It is the responsibility of all umpires contracted by the Savannah Adult Baseball League to familiarize themselves with these rules prior to working any league games. An electronic copy is available upon request.
8.a.4 EJECTIONS: An umpire has the authority to remove any player, coach, manager, fan, or employee for violations of these rules to include objecting to decisions, actions of unsportsmanlike conduct or foul language, and/or unsafe play. It is the responsibility of the home plate umpire to notify the league of any player ejections.
8.a.5 Uniforms & Equipment: Umpires are required to be in uniform and wear the required protective equipment at all times and it is not the responsibility of the SABL to provide such items.
8.a.6 Payments: Payments are processed through the contracted umpire association as set forth in the terms of service agreement between both parties. It is the responsibility of the umpire association to render individual payment to the umpires.
9.a.1 Ejections: Any player or manager ejected from a game must leave the park immediately and is to serve a minimum of a one (1) game suspension before being permitted to participate in league events.
9.a.1.A - Appeals - a player has the right to request an appeal of any suspension and request that the Board review the circumstances and adjust punishment as needed.
9.a.1.B Postseason - players ejected during postseason games are not subject to a mandatory one game suspension unless deemed appropriate by the Board. However, any player ejected from 2 games during the same postseason will not be permitted to play again for the remainder of the playoffs.
9.a.2 Reporting Ejections: The crew chief is responsible for reporting any player ejections to the Division Commissioner and/or Board of Directions.
9.b.1 Suspensions: The Board of Directors may revoke membership privileges for violations of these rules and/or actions detrimental to the league. Members are not permitted to participate and/or attend league events during the term of their suspension.
9.b.2 Notification of Suspension: The Board of Directors will issue a written Notice of Suspension to the player and manager outlining the terms of the suspension.
9.b.3 Appealing a Suspension: A suspended member has the right to appeal their suspension and may do so by submitting a written Request for Appeal to the SABL Board of Directors.
9.b.4 Players in Multiple Divisions: If a suspended member is registered to play in more than one age division, they will not be permitted to play in either division, until they have served out their suspension. Credit for games missed in the other division will not be counted toward their suspension.
9.b.5 Compliance with Suspension: Any manager or player who does not comply with or enforce the terms set forth by the Notice of Suspension is subject to additional disciplinary action.
9.c.1 Disciplinary Review: The Board of Directors reserves the right to review all matters of misconduct and amend any disciplinary action taken against its players, managers, and members. All amendments to said actions will be made public to league and its members.
9.c.2 Disciplinary Committee: The Disciplinary Committee will consist of the Board of Directions (President, Vice President, and Secretary), Division Commissioner, and Head Umpire. All disciplinary matters will be decided by way of a majority vote.
9.d.1 FORFEITS: If a team is unable to field the minimum number of players and/or does not show up for a scheduled game, the game will be recorded as a forfeit.
9.d.2 Notification of Forfeit: Teams are required to notify the League President of a pending forfeit at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled start time to avoid financial penalty.
9.d.3 Forfeit Penalty: Teams failing to provide advanced notice of a forfeit are subject to a fine of $180 to cover umpire fees for said game. Teams will not be permitted to return to play until said fine has been paid.
9.d.4 Multiple Forfeits: If a team forfeits two (2) games in a single season, they will not be eligible for postseason play and may be dropped from the league without refund of league fees pending review by the Board of Directors.
9.d.5 Dropped Teams: If a team is dropped from the league all games they participated in will be dropped from the division standings.
9.d.6 Scoring a Forfeit: All forfeits will be recorded with a final score of 9-0.
10.a.1 Reporting Scores: It is the responsibility of the winning manager to report the final score to the Division Commissioner or League Secretary within 4 hours of completion.
10.b.1 Tiebreakers: Should two or more teams end the regular season tied in the standings, the following methods will be used to determine playoff seeding:
10.b.2 Two Teams: Head-to-Head Record, Head-to-Head Run Differential, Run Differential, Strength of Schedule, Coin Toss.
10.b.3 Three of More Teams: Run Differential, Strength of Schedule, Coin Toss.
10.b.4 Strength of Schedule: Team records will be compared vs other league opponents beginning at the top of the standings and working to the bottom.
- For example, if team A was 1-1 versus the #1 seed during the regular season, and Team B was 0-2 versus the #1 seed, then team A would win the tiebreaker
10.c.1 Liability: The Savannah Adult Baseball League and its staff is not responsible for injuries or damage to property that may be incurred as a result of participation in the Savannah Adult Baseball League. Liability insurance is provided through MSBL/MABL to league members and is required in order to participate in league events.